ASEAN COB was established under Article 11 of Protocol 5 ASEAN Scheme of Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance of the ASEAN Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Goods in Transit (AFAFGIT) mandates on 10 ASEAN Countries.
ASEAN COB consists of representatives of all National Bureaux of member countries and a representation of the Transit Transport Coordinating Board.
To coordinate and supervise the legal, technical, administrative, and financial operations of the National Bureaux of all ASEAN countries.
To ultimately support the operations of Protocol 5 and accommodate the implementation of the ASEAN Transport Agreements.
On this ASEAN COB official website, beside accommodating the online purchase of Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance, we also provide information regarding Third Party Liability Insurance (TPL), compulsory motor insurance for cross-border motor vehicles within ASEAN countries, as well as the issuance of Certificate of Insurance or the Blue Card. As well as information and knowledge on related laws of each member country, including traffic and driving rules in each ASEAN.